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"Our land is so real and abundantly beautiful, and the imagery of our land is so captivating. As human being each of us has the potential to be a great scientist and/or artist, and let's explore the imagery of our land together..."

Discussion & Conclusion


coastal area is a complicated system that the erosion problem could be impacted by multiple factors such as aforementioned;Qualitative and Quantitative investigation of each factor correlate with the behavior of dune and beach morphology changes in time and space.


Open Source platform- R- has been introduced, a python related workflow is expected to generate for enhancing processing efficiency. The rank of dominant factors might be altered while selecting different time windows, different locations (delta, along the shore or back dune, etc.) to investigate.


Besides, a viewshed problem has been investigated in the environment of ArcScene, the two sites deployed inside the dune can complementarily fill the gaps.


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